
Hi! I'm Brad, thank you for checking out my portfolio. So a little about myself. I was born and raised in a small town in the middle of Iowa and it was there where I first found out I have a passion for graphic design. I can't be sure where it came from because everything in that town was either football or farming. Anyways. I remember trying to download Photoshop on dial up internet back in 1998, I think it took nearly 11 days of pausing and restarting.  Once I had it I was hooked for life. I continued to tool around with photoshop and illustrator through high school but there weren't many people around that could teach the programs so my interested faded somewhat. After high school I attended the University of Iowa (Go Hawkeyes) where I really didn't have a plan on what I wanted to do so I enrolled in the art history program. I later discovered that the art history degree required some studio arts classes which included graphic design, typography, photography, printmaking, woodworking, the list goes on forever. My creative world had once again opened up with near limitless possibilities so I jumped in headfirst with zero hesitation. I took so many studio arts classes that I don't even think I could recall all of them.  I continued to stay on track with the art history degree which is what I graduated with in 2013.  I knew I wasn't planning on staying in Iowa after graduation, 23 winters will do that to a person. So I moved to Texas two weeks after walking across the stage at the U of I. Life has moved fast since landing my first professional graphic design position two months after graduation. That was Mosak Advertising and Insights where I worked for two years. I learned more about graphic design at that job than in the 4 years at college. After Mosak I landed at Fleshlight which was an interesting opportunity.  I was once again doing graphic design but on an entirely different level. This was design that was viewed on a world wide scale so I immediately knew that I would be challenged to step my game up. I understand that to some that company or that industry may come across as a bit dodgy but I wouldn't trade my time there for the world. I was paired up with some of the most talented and respectful graphic designers I had ever met and the lessons I learned there are worth more to me than gold. I was pushed everyday to be better at what I do and I came out the other end 10x the graphic designer I was before. I've been very fortunate with the opportunities that I have been given and I look forward to continuing this journey. Thanks again for stopping by. Stay excellent!!